The Performances

United States of Asian American Festival 2021: “ANGEL ISLAND INSIGHT” with The Last Hoisan Poets & The Del Sol Quartet

Saturday, May 22, 2021; 2:00pm -3:30pm PT / 5:00pm – 6:30pm ET
Online program on Zoom & Del Sol YouTube Channel

On Saturday, May 22, 2021 from 2pm-3:30pm, Del Sol Performing Arts Organization presented “Angel Island Insight,” an online program featuring performances by The Last Hoisan Poets and the Del Sol String Quartet, presented as part of the by the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center’s 24th annual United States of Asian America Festival.

The 90-minute program considered the importance of preserving cultural memory through the languages of music and poetry. Three descendants of Angel Island immigrants, The Last Hoisan Poets – Genny Lim, Nellie Wong and Flo Oy Wong – use poetry to speak their individual truths and creatively reclaim the Hoisan-wa language and culture.

In a journey that flows from anger and sorrow, using gratitude as a way to find joy, this Zoom program weaves together poetry with performances by the Del Sol Quartet, music by Asian-American composers Kui Dong, Theresa Wong, Jungyoon Wie, Chen Yi, Huang Ruo, and a collaborative composition, “Haw Meong Suey (Good Life’s Water),” created with The Last Hoisan Poets.

The program was followed by a short Q&A with the artists, moderated by Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation’s executive director Edward Tepporn.

SF Wednesdays: “ANGEL ISLAND INSIGHT” at Union Square

Wednesday, October 6, 2021; 12:00pm -2:00pm PT
Union Square, San Francisco

A free performance of Angel Island Insight with Del Sol Quartet and The Last Hoisan Poets in Union Square, included special contributions: The Chinese Historical Society’s Museum-on-the-Go exhibit, “Chinese in the Sunset” and a beautiful flower performance, honoring Angel Island ancestors by Denhi Donis, The Flower Lady of The Mission.

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